Class WrsModificationLog

  • public class WrsModificationLog
    extends WrsModificationCallback
    preserves the update information on a record, handles following items:
    writes current stamp on wrs:M and wrs:I
    stores the username (principal), follows same logic as bcdUpdateStamp
    writes current stamp on wrs:I, ignores update on wrs:M
    stores the username (principal), follows same logic as bcdCreateBy
    in case none of binding-items above are found in the given binding-set an exception is thrown. This callback ensures that the items are always written: the binding-items are either appended to WRS in case they are missing or the values are set by server as appropriate. The values are always set by server, WRS payload is ignored for these binding items.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WrsModificationLog

        public WrsModificationLog()
    • Method Detail