CustomJdbcTypeSupport |
Utility class for custom JDBC type handling/mapping, i.e. defined on a
BindingItem via type-name=OTHER cust:type-name=TEXT
PreProcessStylesheet |
SubjectFilterOnWriteCallback |
Enforce SubjectFilters on write
This callback is registered if SubjectFilters are declared for a BindingSet
It applies its ruled for writing
It does currently not support nested filter expressions (only flat AND or OR) and only '=' for comparison
WriteProcessing |
WriteProcessingCallback |
WriteProcessingCallbackFactory |
the WriteProcessingCallback are non thread-safe and each WRS processing will obtain new own intsance of a callback, however the callback
parameters supplied from binding-set definition are immutable so the factory will be configured already at binding bootstrapping while an instance
of a callback will be provided when requested via createIntance()
WriteProcessingCallbackParams |
callback params class scaffolding arbitrary parameters supplied to callback and
providing access API,
The parameters sample:
<li><Param name="foo" x="a" y="b"/></li>
<li><Param name="foo" z="x" d="y"/></li>
<li><Param name="bindingItem" id="bcdUpdateBy" value="expression" isCoalesce="true"/></li>
<li><Param name="bindingItem" id="bcdUpdateStamp" value="expression" isCoalesce="false"/></li>
the parameter api is a list of parameter-maps in the order they are defined.
WrsModificationCallback |
preserves the update information on a record, takes following configuration parameters:
the default values are marked with asterix (*), all parameters which have no default values are required.
WrsModificationLog |
preserves the update information on a record, handles following items:
writes current stamp on wrs:M and wrs:I
stores the username (principal), follows same logic as bcdUpdateStamp
writes current stamp on wrs:I, ignores update on wrs:M
stores the username (principal), follows same logic as bcdCreateBy
in case none of binding-items above are found in the given binding-set an exception is thrown.