A namespace containing a set of status classes used by the BCD-UI system. They are
used by the subclasses of the AbstractExecutable to implement their status
system. See getStatus().
The statuses are useful during debugging, if parts of the page do not get ready. Normally,
after loading and processing, all AbstractExecutable reach .isReady() === true, if everything is OK.
It depends on the exact concrete subclass of AbstractExecutable, which of the statuses below means successful final, i.e. isReady().
You can retrieve this final-success status via .getReadyStatus() of the subclass.
- ChainLoadedStatus
- ChainLoadingFailed
- ChainStylesheetLoadingFailed
- InitializedStatus
- LoadedStatus
- LoadFailedStatus
- LoadingStatus
- NullStatus
- RefreshingModelUpdaters
- RefreshingModelUpdatersCausedByExecute
- SavedStatus
- SaveFailedStatus
- SavingStatus
- TransformedStatus
- TransformFailedStatus
- TransformingStatus
- URLAvailableStatus
- WaitingForParametersStatus
- WaitingForUncomittedChanges