A namespace for the BCD-UI widgets.
- detailView
- dimensionChooser
- effects
- formulaEditor
- inputField
- menu
- multiSelect
- notifications
- periodChooser
- singleSelect
- visualizeXml
well known html dom events, which are fired by widgets at given circumstances, these events are fired by widgets using jQuery.trigger() and can be consumed by jQuery.on()
Enumeration with modalbox types
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 1321 -
Creates a BlindUpDown Area.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. caption
string optional Caption shown in the blindUpDown Header. defaultState
string closed optional 'closed' or empty String for opened, default is closed. duration
number 0.2 optional The duration of the blind effect, valid values are from 0 to 1.0 as decimal. targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath $guiStatus/guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:ClientSettings/BlindUpDown optional The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. with attribute status=open/closed noEffect
boolean false optional True for a simple show/hide without blind effect (blind can influence charts gradients on IE -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 1740 -
Create an instance of dynamic context menu. Consider setting args.refreshMenuModel to true. If 'tableMode' is set to 'true' the renderer is expected to render an HTML table with the appropriate 'bcdRowIdent/bcdColIdent' attributes of tr rows header columns.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description inputModel
bcdui.core.DataProvider A model with context menu definition according to namespace http://www.businesscode.de/schema/bcdui/contextMenu-1.0.0 targetRendererId
string optional The renderer the tooltip is attached to. The HTML listeners are placed on the targetHtml of this renderer. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. refreshMenuModel
boolean false optional This flag can be set to 'true' if the menu model needs to be executed always. Needs to be true, if the menu depends on the position in a table, i.e. technically on bcdColIdent and bcdRowIdent. url
string optional This parameter can be set when you only want to apply one single XSLT style sheet. It contains the URL pointing to it. If this parameter is set no nested 'chain' tag must be provided; provided XSLT must produce HTML. identsWithin
string optional Id of an element. If given bcdColIdent and bcdRowIdent are set to the innermost values given between the event source and the element given here. bcdRow/ColIdent do not need to be set at the same element. tableMode
boolean false optional This flag can be set to 'true' if the 'bcdRowIdent' and 'bcdColIdent' parameters should be extracted from the HTML and added as parameters on the tooltipRenderer. They are derived from 'bcdRowIdent' and 'bcdColIdent' attributes of tr rows and header columns (td or th). targetHtml
targetHtmlRef optional The HTML listeners are placed on this Element instead of the targetHtml of the given targetRendererId. -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 985 -
Creates credential menu
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Description targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. modelId
string optional id of model holding custom model definition. If not provided, a standard one with just logout is created. userName
string optional string to use as the username, by default it takes bcdui.config.userName -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 202 -
This function creates an dimension chooser in the given target HTML element.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath The targetModelXPath for the dimensionChooser acts slightly different than for other widgets. The path points a node which will hold the value for the selected level. The widget builds up filter expressions automatically, so your targetXPath doesn't need any f:Expression statements, e.g. /guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:Dimension[@id='dimensionChooser']/@value. targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. dimension
string Unique name to select a dimension from the dimension model (located at '/bcdui/conf/dimensions.xml'. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. url
string optional The URL the model is loaded from. This URL can be extended with a compressed request document if a requestDocument parameter is provided. If omitted the WrsServlet is taken. multiSelect
string false optional Make a multi selected dimension chooser. Can be 'true'|'false'|'check', 'false' is default. allowMixedSelect
boolean false optional Allow heterogene selection in multi select chooser. checkBoxCaption
string MultiSelect optional Caption of checkbox to turn on and of the multiselect. clearOption
string false optional If != 'false', an additional option to clear the level selection is shown in the drop-down box. If 'true' bcd_autoCompletionBox_clearOption is used for the text, otherwise this is the i18n key. clearOptionLevel
string false optional See clearOption. This value is for the level selector input box only. If not specified, clearOption is used. emptyValue
string false optional If != 'false', a text is displayed if no level is selected. If 'true' bcd_autoCompletionBox_emptyValue is used for the text, otherwise this is the i18n key. emptyValueLevel
string false optional See emptyValue. This value is for the level selector input box only. If not specified, emptyValue is used. mandatory
boolean false optional An empty value is invalid if this parameters sets to true. Default is false. useCaptions
boolean false optional If true, the chooser will receive captions and codes. By convention the bref of the captions column is 'bRef'_caption. By default no captions are created. widgetCaption
string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget. configurationModelId
string optional ModelId of chooser configuration xml file. This model can hold a per-level configuration which allows additional filtering. limitLevels
string optional Space separated list of levelIds. The available levels from the dimensions model get limited to this subset. enableNavPath
boolean optional Set to true if widget should not be added to navpath handling. label
string optional If provided, renders label element to this input Examples
Configuration Model
The Level element can have one child element called FilterCondition. It is a textnode which specifies an additional xpath statement which is added as an AND condition in the request document filter element. You should use brackets around it. There are several Level element attributes (see bcdui.core.AutoModel for details) which allows loading of additional bRefs or filtering: bRef, filterBRefs, mandatoryfilterBRefsSubset, additionalFilterXPath. You can also modify the handling of the Level input fields (see bcdui.widget.InputField): optionsModelIsSuggestionOnly, wildcard. A server sided options model filter can be set via serverSideOptionsModelFilter attribute. If there is a need to hide a level for direct selection (but the level is needed as dependency for a different level selection) you can use the visible attriute.
<Configuration xmlns="http://www.businesscode.de/schema/bcdui/renderer-1.0.0"> <Level id="customerGroup" bRefs="ecom"> <FilterCondition>( ../wrs:C[2]='1')</FilterCondition> </Level> </Configuration> When using 'customerGroup' level (which is bound to one bRef (wrs:C[1])) another bRef 'ecom' is used and checked against value '1' via the given filter condition.
<Configuration xmlns="http://www.businesscode.de/schema/bcdui/renderer-1.0.0"> <Level id="station" bRefs="facility_type s_isselectable"> <FilterCondition>( ../wrs:C[4]='1' and (not($guiStatus///f:Filter/f:Or[@id='facility_type']/f:Expression[@bRef='facility_type']/@value) or ../wrs:C[3] = $guiStatus//f:Filter/f:Or[@id='facility_type']/f:Expression[@bRef='facility_type']/@value) )</FilterCondition> </Level> </Configuration> When using 'station' level (which is bound to two bRef (wrs:C[1] and wrs:C[2])) two more bRefs 'facility_type' and 's_isselectable' are used. s_isselectable (which will be wrs:C[4] is checked against the value '1' and facility_type is checked against a guiStatus filter (if available)). So you can easily filter available level data with other possibly set client or server filters.
<Configuration xmlns="http://www.businesscode.de/schema/bcdui/renderer-1.0.0"> <Level id="group" wildcard="startswith" serverSideOptionsModelFilter="true" hideWildcardChar="true"/> </Configuration> Group level information is generated while typing.
<Configuration xmlns="http://www.businesscode.de/schema/bcdui/renderer-1.0.0"> <Level id="group" visible="false"/> </Configuration> Group level does not appear in Level drop down but can be used as a dependency level for a different level selection.
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 2721 -
Create filter table header
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description renderer
string | bcdui.core.Renderer Id of the registered renderer to work on or the render itself isSync
boolean false optional Decide whether the action is to be called synchronous or not alwaysShowHeader
boolean true optional If filtering leads to no rows to be displayed, this flag will show the table header to allow removal of filters getCaptionForColumnValue
function optional Function (colIdx, colValue) which returns the rendered caption for the cell. By default standard wrs @caption, wrs:references and unit/scale handling is supported already getFilteredValues
function optional Function (colIdx) which needs to return a wrs:C array which holds the valid values for the current column. Use this to e.g. only show prefiltered values -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 2809 -
Create fixed table header by adding a fixed copy of the original Its size is derived from the "original" header, still in place for the table
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description rendererId
string Id of the renderer to work on storeSize
boolean true optional Decide whether the action is to be called synchronous or not enableColumnFilters
boolean false optional Set to true if you wnat to enable column filters, too getCaptionForColumnValue
function optional if you enabled column filters, you can set its getCaptionForColumnValue here -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 473 -
Displays a field where the user can enter a formula
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted. If you specify a targetmodelxpath, the box automatically acts as target. targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. caption
string '' optional Default '', it will be used as i18n key to translate the caption. mandatory
boolean false optional An empty value is invalid if this parameters sets to true. Default is false. optionsModelXPath
modelXPath optional xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue] optionsModelRelativeValueXPath
string optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param. validate
boolean true optional Turn on-off the validation of the formula. validateVariableNamesCheckbox
boolean false optional Show or hide checkbox for validate variables option. skipValidationCaption
string Skip check of values optional Caption to be shown for skipping validation. Default is 'Skip check of values'. skipServerSidedFunctions
boolean false optional Set to true to disable usage of server sided functions like CntDist. Default is false. widgetCaption
string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget. enableNavPath
boolean optional Set to true if widget should not be added to navpath handling. -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 75 -
Creates a field where the user can enter a value or select it from a list of pre-defined values. These values are copied to a target model under a specified target XPath. When there is a list of allowed values the inputField can also apply a caption-value translation so that the displayed values can differ from the data that is actually placed in XML.This function creates an input field in the given target HTML element. This input field can be a text box or a combo box, dependent on the parameters.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted. If you specify a targetmodelxpath, the box automatically acts as target. targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. optionsModelXPath
modelXPath optional xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue] optionsModelRelativeValueXPath
xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param. optionsModelIsSuggestionOnly
boolean optional If true, values different from the options model can are allowed. Default is that, if an optionsModel is given, only values from that model are allowed. additionalFilterXPath
writableModelXPath optional An additional XPath created, kept up-to-date during writing, not only when a final value us choosen, not listened on. Usually used to control a server-side filtered options model. keepEmptyValueExpression
boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. clearOption
string false optional If != 'false', an additional option to clear the selection is shown in the drop-down box. If 'true' bcd_autoCompletionBox_clearOption is used for the text, otherwise this is the i18n key. emptyValue
string false optional If != 'false', a text is displayed if nothing is selected / entered. If 'true' bcd_autoCompletionBox_emptyValue is used for the text, otherwise this is the i18n key. mandatory
boolean false optional An empty value is invalid if this parameters sets to true. Default is false. wildcard
string optional For a f:Filter with @op='like', this controls the prefilling with wildcards ('*') when the value is yet empty and the field gets the focus. Can be 'contains', 'startswith' or 'endswith'. The user can overwrite this by adding/removing wildcards when editing the field. The wildcards apply to filtering within the top down list and for server side filters, both plain and for retrieving drop-down values dynamically from the server. bcdAutofit
boolean false optional If true, drop down resizes depending on available options. isSortOptions
boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the options shown in popup should be sorted alphabetically. maxlength
integer optional Maximum number of characters for the input field. onEnterKey
string optional Handler function NAME triggered on ENTER key. onEscKey
string optional Handler function NAME triggered on ESC key. onTabKey
string optional Handler function NAME triggered on TAB key. onBlur
string optional Handler function NAME triggered on blur event. onFocus
string optional Handler function NAME triggered on focus event. setCursorPositionAtEnd
boolean false optional If true, the cursor is automatically positioned at the end of the input box. setFocus
boolean false optional If true, let this input field get focus after creation. tabIndex
string optional Tab index of html element. widgetCaption
string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget. enableNavPath
boolean optional Set to true if widget should not be added to navpath handling. isPassword
boolean optional If true, input element type will be 'password'. label
string optional If provided, renders label element to this input hideWildcardChar
boolean optional If true, no asterisk characters are shown -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 912 -
Creates menu with default renderer an default menu js handler.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Description targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. menuHandlerClassName
string optional Javascript menu handler class name, could extend bcdui.widget.menu.Menu. menuRootElementId
boolean optional Root menu HTML element (UL) id modelId
string optional xml model id, can be used for menues defined in folder '/WEB-INF/bcdui/menu/'. modelUrl
string optional Optional: URL where model get data from, allows reading a random xml file from the server. parameters
string optional Own action handler. rendererUrl
string | chainDef optional URL to XSLT stylesheet that renders the model or chain definition; default is "/bcdui/js/widget/menu/menu.xslt" menuId
string optional Optional menuId to use one specific menu out of the available ones. If not available, the default one is used. -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 318 -
Creates a multi selection box where multiple values can be selected and stored to the target model.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted. If you specify a targetmodelxpath, the box automatically acts as target. Keep in mind when specifying a targetModelXPath for the multiSelect, you should use a f:Or in your expression. For example: /guiStatus:Status/f:Filter/f:Or/f:Expression[@bRef='country' and @op='=']/@value. targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. optionsModelXPath
modelXPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue] id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. optionsModelRelativeValueXPath
string optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param. delimiter
string optional If defined, will switch to delimiter-based storing, i.e. multiple values will be written into one DOM node and separated by given delimiter. visibleSize
integer optional Number of visible elements in list. isCheckBox
boolean false optional Use checkbox html element instead of multiselect. keepEmptyValueExpression
boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. widgetCaption
string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget. enableNavPath
boolean optional Set to true if widget should not be added to navpath handling. doSortOptions
boolean false optional Set to true if widget should sort options. label
string optional If provided, renders label element to this input, unless args.isCheckBox = true -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3116 -
Writes navpath widget information to the given target and updates this information changes
Name Type Description args
Object optional The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetHtml
targetHtmlRef bcdNavPath optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. title
string Report optional A title string which is used during filename generation for exports values
string optional A space separated string which lists the ordered targetIds of the widgets which should be queried separator
string optional A string used for delimiter between single widget navpath values, default is ' ' (space) -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 398 -
Creates a period chooser. The period chooser supports a number of options and formats, see parameters. You can control what kind of periods a user may select and in which format it is written. Note that the bRef written are always
yr, qr, mo, cwyr, cw or dy
with an optional postfix of there are different types of dates.
The period chooser outputs to args.targetModelXPath, which may point to any model but needs to end withf:And[@id='myPeriod']
, where @id is the period chooser's id.Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath Unless you don't use the useSimpleXPath option, this targetModelXPath acts slightly different than for other widgets. You only define a root node like '/guiStatus:Status/f:Filter/f:And[@id='period']' here. The period chooser places its f:Expression elements below this given rootnode automatically. The number of expressions and how they are added depends on periodChooser settings (e.g. a range or writing mo/yr instead of yyyy-mm-dd etc.) targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. caption
string optional Default 'Date', it will be used as i18n key to translate the caption if isFreeRangeSelectable set to true, then caption may contain two terms for 'From' and 'To' captions. Divider: ';' Example: caption = 'i18.md.From;i18.md.To' firstSelectableDay
string optional The first day that can be selected. A week or month can only be selected if all days are selectable. lastSelectableDay
boolean optional The last day that can be selected. A week or month can only be selected if all days are selectable. isFreeRangeSelectable
boolean false optional Allows date free range selection. isSecondSelectable
boolean false optional Allows second selection. isMinuteSelectable
boolean false optional Allows minute selection. isHourSelectable
boolean false optional Allows hour selection. isDaySelectable
boolean true optional Allows day selstion. isWeekSelectable
boolean false optional Allows week selection. isMonthSelectable
boolean true optional Allows month selection. isQuarterSelectable
boolean true optional Allows quarter selection isYearSelectable
boolean true optional Allows year selection. mandatory
boolean false optional An empty value is invalid if this parameters sets to true. Default is false. outputPeriodType
boolean false optional Produces selected dates as one of known date periods. For example if this contains mo and the user selects a data range, which fits a month, mo with be written. This is usefull if you allow free range but you also have a month aggregation for performance optimization. On the other hand, if this is not set and the user selects a month in the widget, then the month is written in terms of dy. showPrevNextButtons
boolean false optional If this is set to 'true' the buttons Previous Period and Next Period are showed. The default value is 'false'. suppressCaptions
boolean false optional Set this to true if the buttons should not have any caption text. Default is false. textInput
boolean false optional Add the free range feature. validate
boolean true optional Turn on-off the validation of the keyboard entered date values. optionsModelXPath
modelXPath optional Allows to use a single period chooser widget for different logical types of dates (see args.postfix), which then can be selected from a drop-down. The node set found at this xPath lists the postfixes. optionsModelRelativeValueXPath
string optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param. postfix
string optional An optional postfix which is added to the filter bRefs (dy/mo.., see above). Use this if you deal with different types of dates. If optionsModel is given, this value should be one of the available ones. widgetCaption
string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget. useSimpleXPath
string false optional Set this to true if you want a minimal periodchooser setup (only day selectable via popcalendar) which only writes an ISO date to an XPath which you provide (not a complex one in normal mode). autoPopup
string false optional Set this to true if the popup calendar should appear after creation. suppressButtons
string false optional Set this to true if from and to buttons should be hidden. Default is false. enableNavPath
boolean optional Set to true if widget should not be added to navpath handling. showClearButton
boolean optional Set this to true if you need one clear button which removes the currently set date. label
string optional If provided, renders label element to this periodchooser. -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 264 -
Creates a single selection radio button group where a value can be selected and stored to the target model.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted. If you specify a targetmodelxpath, the box automatically acts as target. targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. optionsModelXPath
modelXPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue] id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. optionsModelRelativeValueXPath
string optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param. keepEmptyValueExpression
boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. widgetCaption
string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget. enableNavPath
boolean optional Set to true if widget should not be added to navpath handling. label
string optional If provided, renders label element to this widget -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 2171 -
injectFilter in table
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description tableElement
HtmlElement The HTML Table Element which you want to use for injection targetModelXPath
writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this widget will place entered selected items into inputModel
bcdui.core.DataProvider WRS datamodel representing the table columns statusModel
bcdui.core.DataProvider bcdui.wkModels.guiStatus optional StatusModel where the widget will write its content to. useCustomHeaderRenderer
boolean false optional Set to true when your code adds bcdFilterButton classes on its own (e.g. grid) callback
function optional Function which will be executed after a change of the filters have been performed getCaptionForColumnValue
function optional Function (colIdx, colValue) which returns the rendered caption for the cell. By default standard wrs @caption, wrs:references and unit/scale handling is supported already. Deprecated (prefer valueCaptionProvider parameter). getFilteredValues
function optional Function (colIdx) which needs to return a wrs:C array which holds the valid values for the current column. Use this to e.g. only show prefiltered values . Deprecated (prefer valueCaptionProvider parameter). valueCaptionProvider
function optional Function (inputModel, colIdx) which needs to return a Promise which resolves with an array of objects {value, caption, isFiltered} columnFiltersCustomFilter
Object optional CustomColumnFilter functions passed to column filter. columnFiltersCustomFilter is an array holding an object per bRef/column and an operations array which defines id, caption, valueCaptionProvider, filterFunction and gridFilterRowFunction -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 1288 -
Creates tab menu widget.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetHtml
targetHtmlRef An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id. defElementId
string Html element id where tabs are defined. args.id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. handlerJsClassName
string optional Own JS class name to handler click action on tab. rendererUrl
string optional URL to own renderer. isPersistent
boolean false optional Set this to true to make the tab selection persistent. -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 1809 -
Generates a tooltip for another renderer.
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description targetRendererId
string optional The renderer the tooltip is attached to. The HTML listeners are placed on the targetHtml of this renderer. If 'tableMode' is set to 'true' the renderer is expected to render an HTML table with the appropriate 'bcdRowIdent/bcdColIdent' attributes of tr rows header columns. id
string optional ID of the Executable object which renders this widget this must be UNIQUE and MUST NOT have same names as any global JavaScript variable. If not given, an auto-id is generated. delay
integer optional The delay in Miliseconds that the tooltip should wait before it appears. filter
string optional An optional filter on the tag name where the tooltip should appear. In 'tableMode' it is recommended to set it on 'td' or 'th|td'. identsWithin
string optional Id of an element. If given bcdColIdent and bcdRowIdent are set to the innermost values given between the event source and the element given here. bcdRow/ColIdent do not need to be set at the same element. stylesheetUrl
string optional This parameter can be set when you only want to apply one single XSLT style sheet. It contains the URL pointing to it. If this parameter is set no nested 'chain' tag must be provided tableMode
boolean false optional This flag can be set to 'true' if the 'bcdRowIdent' and 'bcdColIdent' parameters should be extracted from the HTML and added as parameters on the tooltipRenderer. They are derived from 'bcdRowIdent' and 'bcdColIdent' attributes of tr rows and header columns (td or th). targetHtml
targetHtmlRef optional The HTML listeners are placed on this Element instead of the targetHtml of the given targetRendererId. tooltipTargetHtmlId
string optional Existing HTML Element Id which is used for the tooltip. By default this is 'bcdTooltipDiv'. -
staticbcdui.widget.getCurrentNavPath(values, separator)
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3239 -
Get current navpath widget information for the given widget targets.
Name Type Default Description values
string optional A space separated string which lists the ordered targetIds of the widgets which should be queried (or empty for all) separator
string " " optional A string used for delimiter between single widget navpath values Returns:
string containing the current navPath for your selected values -
staticbcdui.widget.getLiveNavPath(callback, values, separator)
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3147 -
Get current live navpath widget information via callback for the given widget targets. This function regets the current caption information from the widgets themselves and does not use the navPath model which represents the captions when entering the page
Name Type Default Description callback
function A callback function which gets the final navpath string and an object holding the single ids/captions values
string optional A space separated string which lists the ordered targetIds of the widgets which should be queried (or empty for all) separator
string " " optional A string used for delimiter between single widget navpath values -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3095 -
Get widgetCaption information from the given target
Name Type Description elOrId
element | string An existing HTML element or its id representing a widget targetHtml Returns:
string of found widgetCaption or empty string -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 893 -
Hide opened modalbox
staticbcdui.widget.i18nAlert(msgKey, defaultValue)
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3077 -
shows a js alert box with the given message
Name Type Description msgKey
string defaultValue
string -
staticbcdui.widget.i18nConfirm(msgKey, defaultValue)
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3086 -
shows a js confirm box with the given message
Name Type Description msgKey
string defaultValue
string -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3449 -
opens a modal dialog ready for renderer and delegates to callbacks from arguments; you can trigger 'dialog-close' event within body to close the dialog programmatically, any argument to this event will be provided to the resolving promise as well as to the 'close' callback. In addition to those parameters described in this documentation you can provide any other valid parameter according to jQueryUI Dialog Widget API. This dialog returns a Promise resolving with value provided to 'dialog-close' event, allowing you to easily build on cascading dialogs utilizing promise chain.
Name Type Description args
object arguments Name Type Default Description open
function function to execute when dialog is opened, it gets args object with properties: targetHtml close
function optional function to execute after dialog is closed beforeClose
function optional function to execute before dialog is closed - it gets args object with properties: targetHtml; if this function returns false, the dialog is not closed. title
string optional dialog title width
number 640 optional dialog width; > 1 means absolute size <= 1 means percentage of the current view-port size, i.e. .75 = 75% of view-port size width
number 320 optional dialog height; > 1 means absolute size <= 1 means percentage of the current view-port size, i.e. .75 = 75% of view-port size Returns:
Type Description Promise resolving with value provided from 'dialog-close' event, when dialog is closed. Example
bcdui.widget.openDialog({ open : (args) => { new bcdui.core.Renderer({ targetHtml : args.targetHtml, chain : "confirm.buy.dott" }); }, title : bcdui.i18n.TAG + "confirm.buy" });
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 808 -
Open and show modalbox
Name Type Description args
Object The parameter map contains the following properties. Name Type Default Description title
string optional Modal box title. You can also use titleTranslate. titleTranslate
string optional It will be used as i18n key to translate the title. message
string optional Modal box message. You can also use messageTranslate. messageTranslate
string optional It will be used as i18n key to translate the message. modalBoxType
integer 0 optional One of three types modalBoxTypes.ok, modalBoxTypes.warning, modalBoxTypes.error. By default = modalBoxTypes.ok width
integer 300 optional Width of modal box. 300 by default height
integer optional Height of modal box. auto by default onclick
string optional Optional js function which is called after closing the modal box position
string optional jQuery position parameter bag. Default is center top htmlElementId
string optional Id of a html segment which is taken as messagebox instead. ModalBoxType is ignored in this case. -
widget/widgetPackage.js, line 3531 -
make parts of the given table sticky
Name Type Description args
Object Name Type Default Description targetHtml
HtmlElement targetHtml containing/being table width
string optional the width of the table (e.g. 10, 20px or 30em) height
string optional the height of the table (e.g. 10, 20px or 30em) header
boolean false optional make header sticky footer
boolean false optional make footer sticky nFirstCols
integer optional make the first n columns sticky nFirstRows
integer optional make the first n rows sticky nLastCols
integer optional make the last n columns sticky nLastRows
integer optional make the last n rows sticky bcdDimension
boolean false optional make all dimension cells (cube) sticky (higher prio than other options)