Namespace: widgetNg

bcdui. widgetNg

New generation of Widgets







widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 54
A BCD-UI button (not HTML native) conforming to the theme. If an optionsModelXPath is given, it will be rendered as a dropDown button.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
caption i18nToken optional
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
href url optional HTML href
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
onClickAction function optional Function to execute on click. Behaves like addEventListener, i.e. it expects a reference to a function. "onClickAction: bcdui.core.lifecycle.applyAction" or "onClickAction: function(){ alert("Hello"); }". The context of the function is set to the element this widget it attached to. To provide a context and parameters to the called function use bind: "onClickAction: myFunc.bind( ctx, param1 , param2 )". In case of declarative environments, like HTML5 Custom Element <bcd-buttongNg>, it is a string with executable javascript code "onClickAction= 'bcdui.core.lifecycle.applyAction();'".
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath . optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param.
optionsModelXPath xPath optional xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]
stayPressed boolean optional button stays pressed and is disabled until page reload.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
text i18nToken optional
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 24
Basic checkbox which implements a 1/0 switch. The label (if used) is placed right to the checkbox.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
onchange function optional the HTML onchange event
onclick function optional the HTML onclick event
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
values string 1|0 optional A pipe separated value of two string which are used for a checked/unchecked state. By default this is 1 and 0.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 363
Offers a ChipsChooser where you can select items on a source side and move them to a target side
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
optionsModelXPath modelXPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
allowUnknownTargetValue boolean optional If true, target items are not removed when they are not part of the source's options model.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doSortOptions boolean true optional Can be set to 'false' if the options should not be sorted alphabetically.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
onBeforeChange function optional Handler function triggered before change, if false is returned, the change is rejected receives property map: {element = the widget element, dir = one of bcdui.widgetNg.chipsChooser.CHANGE_DIRECTION.*, scope = object with .items to move, which can also be modified (i.e. remove items not eligible to move)}
onChange function optional Handler function triggered after change
onItemMoved function optional Handler function triggered after an item was moved. Receives property map: {from = source, to = destination, dir = one of bcdui.widgetNg.connectable.CHANGE_DIRECTION.*}
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.
wrsInlineValueDelim string optional Delimiter used for WRS read and write. Default is a slash.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 565
Offers a simple container with comment functionality
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
instance string A given instance for the current comments.
scope string A given scope for the current comments.
addBRefs string optional Space separated list of additional bRefs you want to load.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
caption string optional A caption string which appears in the top add row.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
filterBRefs stringList optional The space separated list of binding Refs that will be used in filter clause of request document.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
onBeforeSave function optional Function which is called before each save operation. Parameter holds current wrs dataprovider. Function needs to return true to save or false for skipping save process and resetting data.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 405
Offers a simple container with multi select, drag'n drop functionalities
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
scope string Defines the scope of the box. Source.
allowUnknownTargetValue boolean optional If true, target items are not removed when they are not part of the source's options model.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
className string optional Optional additional classname which is added to the container.
dblClick boolean true optional If true, double clicking an item moves it. Default is true.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doSortOptions boolean false optional Can be set to 'true' if the options should be sorted using the 'sortOptionsFunction' function. This is disabled per default to avoid CPU wasting.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
generateItemHelperHtml function optional Function to generate the html for helper container item which appears when you drag items. Basically the function for jQuery's sortable helper function. By default the first 5 items are listed.
generateItemHtml function optional Function to generate the html for one container item. Gets object with properties: value, caption, position; see implementation documentation to read more about the structure to return by this function.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
isDoubleClickTarget boolean optional If true (and box is target) then double click moves items from source to this target, otherwise first found target. Default is false.
onBeforeChange function optional Handler function triggered before change of this box only, if false is returned, the change is rejected receives property map: {element = the widget element, dir = one of bcdui.widgetNg.connectable.CHANGE_DIRECTION.*, scope = object with .items to move, which can also be modified (i.e. remove items not eligible to move)}
onChange function optional Handler function triggered after change. It's triggered on source AND destination of the change (e.g. source/target, target/source and target/target)
onItemMoved function optional Handler function triggered after an item was moved. Receives property map: {from = source, to = destination, dir = one of bcdui.widgetNg.connectable.CHANGE_DIRECTION.*}
optionsModelRelativeFilterPredicate xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' which can be used to filter options model items
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values
optionsModelXPath writableModelXPath optional xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]. If you specify an optionsmodelxpath, the box automatically acts as source.
showLasso boolean true optional If true, you get a selection lasso. Default is true.
sortOptionsFunction function optional a compareFunction(a,b) passed to Array.prototype.sort(); with a, b are objects with { caption, value } A function used to sort items in the connectable. The defaulting implementation uses alphabetic sorting on caption.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath optional The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted. If you specify a targetmodelxpath, the box automatically acts as target
unselectAfterMove boolean optional If true, the items get unselected after being moved. Default is false.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.
wrsInlineValueDelim string optional Delimiter used for WRS read and write. Default is a slash.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 126
Date picker for temporal types supports native html5 widget and fallsback to custom implementation in case browser does not support it.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
type enum date optional Select a calendar year and a month or a date. Uses HTML5 native if available. For other cases two or three single selects next to each other. Writes XML format 2013-12[-01]. (gYearMonth or date)
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 97
A simple text field input allowing user to enter arbitrary text. Specific input type can be preset via 'type' attribute. The input can be generally validated using 'pattern' paramter (html5 compliant) containing the JS regular expression, in such a case a built-in validation for WRS binding is overridden by provided validator and effectively disabled.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
asyncValidationFunction function optional Like 'validationFunction' but this one must return a Promise resolving with validation result. While validating, the widget sets 'bcdValidationPending' CSS class on the owning html element. The value is written to the model after a positive validation result. If a Promise is rejected for any reason, the widget switches to invalid state.
autocomplete string off optional HTML autocomplete attribute. Can be on or off.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doTrimInput boolean false optional If enabled, the input is trimms leading/trailing spaces before writing to data model
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
isSync boolean false optional Uses synchronously validation when set to true. This also disables the use of asyncValidationFunction. Only necessary for setups where you can't handle waiting for the async write of data (e.g. grid widgets)
isTextSelectedOnFocus boolean false optional if set, the text will be selected once the field gets a focus, so that further user input will replace the content. In case 'setCursorPositionAtEnd' is also set to true - this option has precedence.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
max number optional Sets the maximum value for an integer or numeric type input field (HTML5 only).
maxlength integer optional if defined, limits the input to the given length.
min number optional Sets the minimum value for an integer or numeric type input field (HTML5 only).
onchange function optional the HTML onchange event
onclick function optional the HTML onclick event
pattern string optional regular expression pattern to validate the input
placeholder i18nToken optional A default text displayed if no content was entered, this is i18n key or true for default. May be empty to display nothing.
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
setCursorPositionAtEnd boolean false optional if set the cursor position will always be at the end of the input once the input field gets a focus
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
type enum text optional a type of this input field. Following types are supported for validation: text: a simple text input email: a simple text input with email validation, uses email input where available password: a password input int: an integer value (uses to html5 type=number with step=1 where available) numeric: a decimal value (corresponds to html5 type=number with step=any and uses where available)
validationFunction string optional Name of a widget validator function which will be attached additionally to implicit validators. the API of given function is: validatorFunction(htmlElementId) : returns either NULL or object containing validationMessage (String or array of Strings) property, i.e. { validationMessage : String } or { validationMessage[] : String[] }, the validationMessage carries the message to be displayed to the user. The String may start with bcdui.i18n.TAG character to classify an i18n-key of the message, rather than a message itself. the args parameter is the htmlElementId of the widget to validate. Please use: bcdui.widgetNg.validation.validators.widget.getValue(htmlElementId) to properly retrieve widgets value. There is only one validator function allowed. In order to use or re-use or combine existing validations please do so in your validationFunction (that is delegate to other validators) and simply aggregate validation results into array of validationMessage[] This validator MUST ignore NULL or empty value.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 591
A BCD-UI label. If an optionsModelXPath is given, it will be rendered as an unordered list.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
caption i18nToken optional
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
optionsModelXPath xPath optional xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
text i18nToken optional
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 297
Text area to paste list of elements for an in-clause
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
cols integer 5 HTML Parameter on the textarea to set number of columns
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
asyncValidationFunction function optional Like 'validationFunction' but this one must return a Promise resolving with validation result. While validating, the widget sets 'bcdValidationPending' CSS class on the owning html element. The value is written to the model after a positive validation result. If a Promise is rejected for any reason, the widget switches to invalid state.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doTrimInput boolean false optional If enabled, the input is trimms leading/trailing spaces before writing to data model
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
isSync boolean false optional Uses synchronously validation when set to true. This also disables the use of asyncValidationFunction. Only necessary for setups where you can't handle waiting for the async write of data (e.g. grid widgets)
isTextSelectedOnFocus boolean false optional if set, the text will be selected once the field gets a focus, so that further user input will replace the content. In case 'setCursorPositionAtEnd' is also set to true - this option has precedence.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
maxlength integer optional if defined, limits the input to the given length.
maxVals integer 1000 optional Only the first maxVals distinct values are used.
outSep string , optional Letter treated as separators in the targetModel and also expected when reading in values from there, defaults to comma.
pasteSeps string ,; \\|\\t\\n optional Letters treated as separators between values when pasting. Defaults: comma, semicolon, space, pipe, tab, newline.
pattern string optional regular expression pattern to validate the input
placeholder i18nToken optional A default text displayed if no content was entered, this is i18n key or true for default. May be empty to display nothing.
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
rows integer optional HTML Parameter on the textarea to set number of rows
setCursorPositionAtEnd boolean false optional if set the cursor position will always be at the end of the input once the input field gets a focus
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
toUpper boolean false optional If true, all values are translated to uppercase.
validationFunction string optional Name of a widget validator function which will be attached additionally to implicit validators. the API of given function is: validatorFunction(htmlElementId) : returns either NULL or object containing validationMessage (String or array of Strings) property, i.e. { validationMessage : String } or { validationMessage[] : String[] }, the validationMessage carries the message to be displayed to the user. The String may start with bcdui.i18n.TAG character to classify an i18n-key of the message, rather than a message itself. the args parameter is the htmlElementId of the widget to validate. Please use: bcdui.widgetNg.validation.validators.widget.getValue(htmlElementId) to properly retrieve widgets value. There is only one validator function allowed. In order to use or re-use or combine existing validations please do so in your validationFunction (that is delegate to other validators) and simply aggregate validation results into array of validationMessage[] This validator MUST ignore NULL or empty value.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 331
Offers a SideBySiderChooser where you can select items on a source side and move them to a target side
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
optionsModelXPath modelXPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
allowUnknownTargetValue boolean optional If true, target items are not removed when they are not part of the source's options model.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doSortOptions boolean true optional Can be set to 'false' if the options should not be sorted alphabetically.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
onBeforeChange function optional Handler function triggered before change, if false is returned, the change is rejected receives property map: {element = the widget element, dir = one of bcdui.widgetNg.sideBySideChooser.CHANGE_DIRECTION.*, scope = object with .items to move, which can also be modified (i.e. remove items not eligible to move)}
onChange function optional Handler function triggered after change
optionsModelRelativeFilterPredicate xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' which can be used to filter options model items
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values
sourceCaption string Source optional Caption(header) for source block items. Can be an i18n key (with leading i18n token).
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetCaption string Target optional Caption(header) for target block items. Can be an i18n key (with leading i18n token).
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.
wrsInlineValueDelim string optional Delimiter used for WRS read and write. Default is a slash.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 167
Renders a browser does natively for select or radio.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
optionsModelXPath modelXPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
asyncValidationFunction function optional Like 'validationFunction' but this one must return a Promise resolving with validation result. While validating, the widget sets 'bcdValidationPending' CSS class on the owning html element. The value is written to the model after a positive validation result. If a Promise is rejected for any reason, the widget switches to invalid state.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
clearOption boolean | i18nToken false optional if enabled, there will be an option to clear the selection. This attribute may be true|false or a string, in latter case the option is considered enabled and a string follows the i18nToken type definition.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doAutoSelectSolelyOption boolean false optional If enabled, and there is only one option available, the widget will switch to that value.
doRetainInputSchema boolean false optional This option is 'false' per default, what means that the internal options model generates following schema: /Values/Value[@caption]+ per matched item. The Value element itself holds the ID with optional @caption attribute holding either ID or mapped caption in case optionsModelRelativeValueXPath is provided. In some cases you might want to work with internal options model and elements of the input document. Then you can enable this flag, which effictively disables any semantics, such as 'caption' or 'id' - as the internal options document will contain only matched elements from the input document, pay attention if you select an attribute in your xpath.
doSortOptions boolean false optional Can be set to 'true' if the options should be sorted alphabetically. This is disabled per default to avoid CPU wasting.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
ignoreCaption boolean optional Do not use @caption, use id for caption as well. The caption mode is disabled.
isSync boolean false optional Uses synchronously validation when set to true. This also disables the use of asyncValidationFunction. Only necessary for setups where you can't handle waiting for the async write of data (e.g. grid widgets)
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath . optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions. Wins over @caption and @ignoreCaption param.
pattern string optional regular expression pattern to validate the input
placeholder i18nToken optional A default text displayed if no content was entered, this is i18n key or true for default. May be empty to display nothing.
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
skin enum combo optional Currently supporting combo style only
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
validationFunction string optional Name of a widget validator function which will be attached additionally to implicit validators. the API of given function is: validatorFunction(htmlElementId) : returns either NULL or object containing validationMessage (String or array of Strings) property, i.e. { validationMessage : String } or { validationMessage[] : String[] }, the validationMessage carries the message to be displayed to the user. The String may start with bcdui.i18n.TAG character to classify an i18n-key of the message, rather than a message itself. the args parameter is the htmlElementId of the widget to validate. Please use: bcdui.widgetNg.validation.validators.widget.getValue(htmlElementId) to properly retrieve widgets value. There is only one validator function allowed. In order to use or re-use or combine existing validations please do so in your validationFunction (that is delegate to other validators) and simply aggregate validation results into array of validationMessage[] This validator MUST ignore NULL or empty value.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 535
A slider widget providing UI with a moving handle to select a value or to select a range. The implementation is based on noUiSlider, so is the API. Please refer to original documentation to explore all options. You can use full options from JS-API, however, they are not available from declarative context. Currently, the range mode is restricted to 2 handles only and you cannot provide start option, since it is read from the model.
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
isRange boolean false optional If enabled, the slider will operate in range-selection mode, providing min/max handles to define a range.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
labelRenderingFunction function optional Your custom rendering function to render the label, which gets args with following properties: targetHtml, values[], captions[]; this function is executed on every update to the widget but also while sliding. This option is only effective unless native 'tooltips' option is used.
labelRenderingFunctionTargetHtml string optional jQuery selector to access element to use as targetHtml for labelRenderingFunction, if you choose to use your custom one. This option is only effective unless native 'tooltips' option is used.
max number optional Defines the maximum value, must not be set if optionsModelXpath is provided.
min number optional Defines the minimum value, must not be set if optionsModelXpath is provided.
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath . optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by optionsModelXPath are treated as captions.
optionsModelXPath modelXPath optional xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]. If not provided, the widget is not linked to discrete values, in this case the min/max options has to be provided.
relativeTargetXPathMax xPath /max optional When operating in range-mode, this defines the relative xpath to targetModelXPath, to write the 'max' value. This option not defined in non-range mode.
relativeTargetXPathMin xPath /min optional When operating in range-mode, this defines the relative xpath to targetModelXPath, to write the 'min' value. This option not defined in non-range mode.
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 215
Allowing to either depict certain value from a list or accepting new value not in list. This input type always offers an input prompt which either acts as pre-filter for the list or also allows to enter new items. This widget can handle big number of options at good performance as well as supports complex options layout in non-native mode. Furthermore it provides you with ability to access remote data. [No ID/Caption mapping is available here.]
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
optionsModelXPath modelXPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display; especially this one supports cross references between models, i.e. $options / * / Value[@id = $guiStatus / * / MasterValue]
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
applyListItemSelectionFunction function optional this function is called when applying value from a dropdown selection (custom rendering mode only), it gets following parameters: (instance, htmlElementId, bcdCaption, bcdId) the bcdCaption is the string provided by options model and the bcdId is the value, in case provided by options model, too. The default implementation is executing { instance._syncWrite(htmlElementId, bcdCaption); }
asyncValidationFunction function optional Like 'validationFunction' but this one must return a Promise resolving with validation result. While validating, the widget sets 'bcdValidationPending' CSS class on the owning html element. The value is written to the model after a positive validation result. If a Promise is rejected for any reason, the widget switches to invalid state.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
clearOption boolean | i18nToken false optional if enabled, there will be an option to clear the selection. This attribute may be true|false or a string, in latter case the option is considered enabled and a string follows the i18nToken type definition.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableNativeSupport boolean false optional This parameter disables native HTML5 support for this widget. Please read more on side-effects in widget documentation.
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doRetainInputSchema boolean false optional This option is 'false' per default, what means that the internal options model generates following schema: /Values/Value[@caption]+ per matched item. The Value element itself holds the ID with optional @caption attribute holding either ID or mapped caption in case optionsModelRelativeValueXPath is provided. In some cases you might want to work with internal options model and elements of the input document. Then you can enable this flag, which effictively disables any semantics, such as 'caption' or 'id' - as the internal options document will contain only matched elements from the input document, pay attention if you select an attribute in your xpath.
doSortOptions boolean false optional Can be set to 'true' if the options should be sorted alphabetically. This is disabled per default to avoid CPU wasting.
doTrimInput boolean false optional If enabled, the input is trimms leading/trailing spaces before writing to data model
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
filterFunction string optional function name of filtering function receiving keystrokes; it gets { value, onComplete } and must call onComplete() callback once its done
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
isSync boolean false optional Uses synchronously validation when set to true. This also disables the use of asyncValidationFunction. Only necessary for setups where you can't handle waiting for the async write of data (e.g. grid widgets)
isTextSelectedOnFocus boolean false optional if set, the text will be selected once the field gets a focus, so that further user input will replace the content. In case 'setCursorPositionAtEnd' is also set to true - this option has precedence.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
maxlength integer optional if defined, limits the input to the given length.
optionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath . optional xPath expression relative to 'optionsModelXPath' providing values
optionsRendererId string optional * only applies to non-native implementation of this widget - to use this option you have to flag disableNativeSupport * The renderer provided here *must* exist prior binding to widget, that is it has to be known to ObjectRegistry at this time. At is recommended to construct your renderer with suppressInitialRendering=true, so that it does not run at the construction time and also provide targetHTMLElementId pointing to invisible container, since the renderer would reset containers CSS class having visual effects at construction time. Default options rendering stylesheet is located at /bcdui/widgetNg/suggestInput/optionsRenderer.xslt but you can provide your own here; the transformation has to output HTML with root element DIV containing block elements each representing an inidivual value. The children elements provides the value via bcdValue attribute. The rendered list is displayed in a dialog so user can pick-up an item. After that, the value is written to model which is found at bcdValue attribute. This way you can render complex HTML content. Recommended format is: div[div[@bcdValue]*] You can also respect current widget value i.e. to implement prefiltering, the values are provided as parameters to the stylesheet. Please refer to original stylesheet documentation for more information and parameters which are provided during transformation. the targetHTMLElementId of the renderer is automatically bound to internal options list box, the input document to this renderer is the options-model of the widget.
pattern string optional regular expression pattern to validate the input
placeholder i18nToken optional A default text displayed if no content was entered, this is i18n key or true for default. May be empty to display nothing.
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
setCursorPositionAtEnd boolean false optional if set the cursor position will always be at the end of the input once the input field gets a focus
suggestItemCount integer 10 optional Number of items to suggest during typing, this applies to non-native implementation only.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
validationFunction string optional Name of a widget validator function which will be attached additionally to implicit validators. the API of given function is: validatorFunction(htmlElementId) : returns either NULL or object containing validationMessage (String or array of Strings) property, i.e. { validationMessage : String } or { validationMessage[] : String[] }, the validationMessage carries the message to be displayed to the user. The String may start with bcdui.i18n.TAG character to classify an i18n-key of the message, rather than a message itself. the args parameter is the htmlElementId of the widget to validate. Please use: bcdui.widgetNg.validation.validators.widget.getValue(htmlElementId) to properly retrieve widgets value. There is only one validator function allowed. In order to use or re-use or combine existing validations please do so in your validationFunction (that is delegate to other validators) and simply aggregate validation results into array of validationMessage[] This validator MUST ignore NULL or empty value.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.
wildcard enum contains optional The wildcards apply to filtering within the drop down list and for server side filters. This option applies only if bound to a f:Expression element and is ignored otherwise. For a f:Filter with @op='like', this controls the prefilling with wildcards ('*') when the value is yet empty and the field gets the focus. Can be 'contains', 'startswith' or 'endswith'. The user can overwrite this by adding/removing wildcards when editing the field.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 254
Free Text input, standard HTML textarea
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
cols integer 5 HTML Parameter on the textarea to set number of columns
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath The xPath pointing to the root-node this input widget will place entered selected items into. The underlying XML format of data written is implemented by individual widget. If pointing into a Wrs, it switches to Wrs mode, i.e. the wrs:R will be marked as modified, target node will not be deleted.
asyncValidationFunction function optional Like 'validationFunction' but this one must return a Promise resolving with validation result. While validating, the widget sets 'bcdValidationPending' CSS class on the owning html element. The value is written to the model after a positive validation result. If a Promise is rejected for any reason, the widget switches to invalid state.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
disableResetControl boolean true optional set this parameter to 'false' to enable built-in reset-control, which empties content once clicked.
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
doTrimInput boolean false optional If enabled, the input is trimms leading/trailing spaces before writing to data model
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
isSync boolean false optional Uses synchronously validation when set to true. This also disables the use of asyncValidationFunction. Only necessary for setups where you can't handle waiting for the async write of data (e.g. grid widgets)
isTextSelectedOnFocus boolean false optional if set, the text will be selected once the field gets a focus, so that further user input will replace the content. In case 'setCursorPositionAtEnd' is also set to true - this option has precedence.
keepEmptyValueExpression boolean false optional A flag that can be set to 'true' if the target node should not be removed as soon as the value is empty. TODO: better spec
label i18nToken optional If provided, enables widget to render a label element
maxlength integer optional if defined, limits the input to the given length.
pattern string optional regular expression pattern to validate the input
placeholder i18nToken optional A default text displayed if no content was entered, this is i18n key or true for default. May be empty to display nothing.
required boolean false optional An empty string or not set value is not allowed if required is true. Disabled fields are not evaluated.
rows integer optional HTML Parameter on the textarea to set number of rows
setCursorPositionAtEnd boolean false optional if set the cursor position will always be at the end of the input once the input field gets a focus
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
validationFunction string optional Name of a widget validator function which will be attached additionally to implicit validators. the API of given function is: validatorFunction(htmlElementId) : returns either NULL or object containing validationMessage (String or array of Strings) property, i.e. { validationMessage : String } or { validationMessage[] : String[] }, the validationMessage carries the message to be displayed to the user. The String may start with bcdui.i18n.TAG character to classify an i18n-key of the message, rather than a message itself. the args parameter is the htmlElementId of the widget to validate. Please use: bcdui.widgetNg.validation.validators.widget.getValue(htmlElementId) to properly retrieve widgets value. There is only one validator function allowed. In order to use or re-use or combine existing validations please do so in your validationFunction (that is delegate to other validators) and simply aggregate validation results into array of validationMessage[] This validator MUST ignore NULL or empty value.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.


widgetNg/widgetPackage.js, line 499
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties.
Name Type Default Description
bRefOptionsModelXPath xPath xPath pointing to an absolute xpath (starts with $model/..) providing a node-set of available options to display.
targetModelXPath writableModelXPath $guiStatus/guiStatus:Status/f:Filter/f:And Target xPath for this filter to work with. This widget creates a filter compatible ( ) structure beyond given target element, and will use f:And, f:Or and f:Expression elements to represent the filter. You can choose either f:And, f:Or or any other element as a target. While choosing f:And/f:Or, the user will not be able do modify that root conjunction whereas there is no such restriction when using another (or custom) element as a target element.
autofocus boolean optional requests the widget to set the focus once it is rendered or enabled for the first time. Only one widget can have a focus, so in case the focus is requested by many widgets it is undefined which one will win.
bRefOptionsModelRelativeValueXPath xPath optional xPath expression relative to 'bRefOptionsModelXpath' providing values for options to display, if this is defined, values referenced by bRefOptionsModelXpath are treated as captions.
disabled boolean false optional All input widgets can be set to be disabled. If disabled, a widget cannot receive a focus, also a style cannot be changed in many browsers. There is no read-only. Also consult read-only vs disabled:
displayBalloon boolean false optional hints and validation messages are displayed in a fly-over if user moves the mouse over the widget. Additionally, they are also displayed in a balloon in bottom-left corner of a browser window in a balloon, which is static and appears as long as the widget has focus.
enableNavPath boolean false optional Set to true if widget should be added to navpath handling.
hint i18nToken optional A general feature is the hint indicator on the widget so user can hover it with a mouse to reveal information about it. image aus theme intern handled by tooltip.
id string optional Id of the widget, if not provided this id will be auto-generated. Must be unique. The id must not be used from jQuery UI API, the id should be used within declarative scope only, i.e. X-API / JSP. If provided, this id will overwrite targetHtml element's id.
tabindex integer optional the HTML compliant tabIndex
targetHtml targetHtmlRef optional An existing HTML element this widget should be attached to, provide a dom element, a jQuery element or selector, or an element id.
widgetCaption string optional A caption which is used as prefix for navPath generation for this widget.