Namespace: visualizeXml

bcdui.widget. visualizeXml

Utility package for raw data visualization used for debugging purposes.



widget/visualizeXml/visualizeXml.js, line 110
Visualiazes data of a model / data provider
Name Type Description
args object The argument map containing the following elements:
Name Type Default Description
targetHtml targetHtmlRef Id of the html element where to show the output.
title string optional Title of the content box; if not provided, the title is set to the ID of the visualized model.
idRef string optional Id of the model to be visualized
inputModel bcdui.core.DataProvider optional Instead of an id, the model can be provided directly
isAutoRefresh boolean true optional Automatically redraw when model changes
stylesheetUrl string /bcdui/js/widget/visualizeXml/visualizeXmlCaller.xslt optional renderer stylesheet
onReady function optional onReady function for renderer
// Load, transform and visualize a model
let sm = new bcdui.core.SimpleModel("input.xml");
let mw = new bcdui.core.ModelWrapper({inputModel: sm, chain: "transformer.xslt"});
bcdui.widget.visualizeXml.visualizeModel({targetHtml: "testOutput", inputModel: mw, title: "Transformed Output"});