Class: SVGDrawer

bcdui.component.chart. SVGDrawer

A SVG drawer, drawing basic geometries

new bcdui.component.chart.SVGDrawer(args)

Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Default Description
doc DomDocument Document for creating the SVG drawing
scale Object x:1,y:1 optional Default is no scaling \{ x: 1, y: 1\}
transform Object optional Default is no shifting \{ x: 0, y: 0 \}
createToolTipCb function optional Call back getting the source element, returning the tool tip HTML
addAttr Object optional A set of additional string attributes to be attached to the root element



Draw a SVG arc
Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Default Description
x numeric Center
y numeric Center
radius numeric Radius
start numeric Start
end numeric End
effect string optional An effect to be used for areas. Possible values: linearGradient, radialPlate, linearRound, linearPlate
percWidth numeric optional Inner radius
rgb string black optional Fill color
stroke string black optional Border color
isFilled boolean false optional Fill area
onClick function optional On click callback
addAttr Object optional A set of additional string attributes to be attached to the root element
Draw a SVG box
Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Default Description
x numeric Left
y numeric Top
width numeric Width
height numeric Height
effect string optional An effect to be used for areas. Possible values: linearGradient, radialPlate, linearRound, linearPlate
rgb string black optional Color
isFilled boolean false optional Fill area
onClick function optional On click callback
addAttr Object optional A set of additional string attributes to be attached to the root element
Draw a SVG circle
Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Default Description
x numeric Center
y numeric Center
radius numeric Radius
effect string optional An effect to be used for areas. Possible values: linearGradient, radialPlate, linearRound, linearPlate
rgb string black optional Color
isFilled boolean false optional Fill area
onClick function optional On click callback
addAttr Object optional A set of additional string attributes to be attached to the root element
Returns the a DOM element containing the SVG drawing
Type Description
Element Returns the a DOM element containing the VML or SVG drawing
Draw an SVG image element
Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Description
x numeric Left
y numeric Top
width numeric Width
height numeric Height
href string optional The image
onClick function optional On click callback
addAttr Object optional A set of additional string attributes to be attached to the root element
Draw a SVG line
Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Default Description
points Array.<Array.<numeric>> 2 dimensional array with x,y points, args.points[0][0] being the first one
effect string optional An effect to be used for areas. Possible values: linearGradient, radialPlate, linearRound, linearPlate
rgb string black optional Line color
width numeric 1 optional Line width
isFilled boolean false optional Fill area
onClick function optional On click callback
addAttr Object optional A set of additional string attributes to be attached to the root element
Set transform and scale
Name Type Description
args Object parameter Object
Name Type Default Description
scale Object x:1,y:1 optional Default is no scaling \{ x: 1, y: 1\}
transform Object optional Default is no shifting \{ x: 0, y: 0 \}
Draw a SVG text
Name Type Description
args Object Parameter object
Name Type Description
x numeric Position
y numeric Position
text string The text
cssClass string optional A css class to be used
align string optional Possible values middle, end
layoutFlow string optional A css value lie vertical-ideographic