Class: XHRwithFreeThreadedDocuments XHRwithFreeThreadedDocuments

A class implementing the XmlHttpRequest interface for Internet Explorer so that it always created "FreeThreadedDOMDocuments". The default IE implementation creates non free-threaded document which cannot be used to create an XSLT processor. This bug is worked around by this class. Sadly, we cannot switch to new (IE9) XMLHttpRequest. Because A) The new native docs do not support Xpath and b) By setting responseType = 'msxml-document' we can get MSXML docs instead of the native ones, having support for xPath, but the version then is only IXMLDomDocument2, which is incompatible with Msxml2.XSLTemplate.6.0 (being IXMLDomDocument3), XSLTProcessor will complain when using it as a parameter to a stylesheet.


core/browserCompatibility.js, line 534