


Predefined strategies to determine if we are currently active


Predefined strategies to check for data updates


Predefined strategies to react on detected fresh data


the default options


is fired on the element containing far grid everytime the FAR renderer has finished rendering



widgetNg/universalFilter/universalFilterPackage.js, line 85
The UI is renderered via a renderer, which is attached to changes on the targetModelXPath


widgetNg/universalFilter/universalFilterPackage.js, line 423
create an expression node, usually f:Expression but not necessarily, as it supports multi-values, as such depending on 'op' and number of values it also may return a predicate like f:Or for 'in' operator
Name Type Description
args object arguments
Name Type Description
bRef string
op string
value Array.<string>


widgetNg/bcduiWidget.js, line 133
creates a label element for given controlId appends the element as a child into a current layout flow when this function is called
Name Type Description
controlId to bind the label with, must not be empty


widgetNg/universalFilter/universalFilterPackage.js, line 511
Name Type Description
nodeId string to identify the node within target scope
Type Description
element from target identified by given nodeid, may return NULL no such node was found


widgetNg/universalFilter/universalFilterPackage.js, line 329
creates a multi-input widget within targetElement, currently does not rebuild from status


widgetNg/singleSelect/singleSelectPackage.js, line 237
forces widget to write its current content to targetModelXPath


widget/messages/messagesEditor.js, line 11
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties:
Name Type Description
targetHtml targetHtmlRef A reference to the HTML DOM Element where to put the output
hotArgs Object optional optionally grid hotArgs overwrites


widget/messages/messagesViewer.js, line 11
Name Type Description
args Object The parameter map contains the following properties:
Name Type Description
url string | bcdui.core.RequestDocumentDataProvider optional optionally overwrite wrs servlet for getting data
bindingSetId String optional optionally overwrite bindingSetId

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
listener function | bcdui.core.StatusListener A function or StatusListener object representing the listener action.
status bcdui.core.Status The status it should listen to. If it is missing the listener is executed on all status transitions, otherwise it is executed when the status is set to the specified status.


Name Type Argument Default Description
snapTo string <optional>
beginning snapTo can have following values: 'beginning': put the scrollTo-target on the top of container.


util/typedefs.js, line 100
Defines the transformation steps of a transformation chain, like bcdui.core.ModelWrapper or bcdui.core.Renderer.
Can be: url | function | Array<(url|function)> | bcdui.core.DataProvider
You can provide
  • A single DataProvider, holding a chain definition following XML Schema 'chain-1.0.0.xsd'. Or
  • A single string holding the url of an xslt document (*.xslt) or a doT.js file (*.dott). Or
  • A javascript transformator function, representing a transformation. Such a function gets two parameters, data, like a DOM or JSON, whatever DataProvider.getData() returns and a parameter object, which maps parameter names to the actual parameters. It can return a new data object or modify the one, which was its input. It it does not return anything, its (modified) input doc is used as return default. Or
  • An array of such strings and functions in the order they are to be executed. In this case, the output of the n-th transformation becomes the input of n+1.

These are all valid values for a chainDef:

"myStylesheet.xslt"                         // An url pointing to an *.xslt or a *.dott file
["myTrans.dott", jsTrans]                   // An array of transformators, can be urls (doT.js or xslt) and js functions
new bcdui.core.StaticModel(...)             // A DataProvider subclass, providing an xml chain definition according to chain-1.0.0.xsd
function jsTrans(doc, params) {             // A js function, expecting a data object (DOM or JSON)
  var n = doc.getElementById('someId');
  n.setAttribute('someAttr', params.newValue);








A DomNodeSet




Name Type Argument Description
fn function <optional>
A function called once when the object becomes ready again. Called immediately if we are already ready && shouldRefresh==false
partialHtmlTargets String <optional>
Space separated list of html element ids. If given, only these elements within targetHmtlElement of the render are touched in the DOM tree, plus the chain gets the parameter bcdPartialHtmlTargets set to this value. Valid for this one call only, cleared after.
shouldRefresh boolean <optional>
"false" if this method should do nothing when the object is already in the ready status. Default is "true"false".




A string value which is either taken as-is or an i18n key-marker as proposed by
We use xE0FF prefix to separate an i18n token from a plain string. This marker is available via bcdui.i18n.TAG For i18n keys, see messages.xml or binding set bcd_i18n
caption = "data"       // Treats value 'data' literal
caption = "\uE0FFdata" // Treats value 'data' as an i18n-key




Provide an XPath, which can be used to use nodes from, can point to an attribute or a full subtree. Start the XPath with $someModelId, make sure that you create this bcdui.core.DataProvider with an explicit id. Default for this is $guiStatus, which is always auto-registered.
Note: You can also build quite complex XPaths and refer to further registered models via '$myModelId' in predicates, see second example.
$guiStatus/guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:MyNode                                     // A string with a simple XPath
$modelId/f:Filter/f:Filters[$guiStatus/guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:MyNodes/@attr] // A string with a more complex XPath, using multiple models


Name Type Argument Default Description
onSuccess function callback function which is called when bcdui.core.AbstractExecutable is or gets ready
onFailure function <optional>
callback function which is called when bcdui.core.AbstractExecutable gets into failed status
executeIfNotReady boolean <optional>
false do execute bcdui.core.AbstractExecutable if it's not ready


Adds a data listener to the DataProvider which can be triggered when the data (XML document) is changed. The listener offers two options: It can either be fired on any change or on a change in a specific XPath result. Note that no uniqueness check is done before adding the listener so it is possible to add the same listener twice or more times. / /**
Name Type Argument Default Description
callback function function to be called after changes
trackingXPath string <optional>
xPath to monitor for changes
onlyOnce boolean <optional>
false fire on each change or only once (higher priority than listenerObject's onlyOnce)
id string <optional>
listener id (only needed for removeDataListener usability)


Name Type Argument Default Description
onSuccess function callback function which is called when bcdui.core.AbstractExecutable is or gets ready
onFailure function <optional>
callback function which is called when bcdui.core.AbstractExecutable gets into failed status
onlyOnce boolean <optional>
false call callback only once or on each ready state
onlyFuture boolean <optional>
false only future ready states will trigger the callback. Per default the callback is called immediately (but async), if the AbstractExecutable is already in ready state
executeIfNotReady boolean <optional>
false do execute bcdui.core.AbstractExecutable if it's not ready


Name Type Argument Description
args.wrsDoc DomDocument | Array.<DomDocument> | bcdui.core.DataProvider | Array.<bcdui.core.DataProvider> Document(s) / DataProvider
onSuccess function <optional>
Callback on success, is called after successful POST or if POST was not issued due to to changes in the document
onFailure function <optional>
Callback on failure, is called if error occurs
onWrsValidationFailure function <optional>
Callback on serverside validate failure, if omitted the onFailure is used in case of validation failures
uri string <optional>
An URI (i.e. SomeDoc) which is appended as pathInfo to WrsServlet


Name Type Argument Description
id string <optional>
listener id
callback string <optional>
listener function


Name Type Description
listener function | bcdui.core.StatusListener A function

or StatusListener object representing the listener action.

status bcdui.core.Status The status this listener is listening to. If it is missing it is assumed that the listener belongs to the global scope.


Name Type Argument Default Description
url string | bcdui.core.RequestDocumentDataProvider A string with the URL or a RequestDocumentDataProvider providing the request. See RequestDocumentDataProvider for an example.
uri string <optional>
uri extension as a suffix to .url to tag requests, must not start with '/'. This parameter is ineffective if .url is provided.
id string <optional>
Globally unique id for used in declarative contexts
isAutoRefresh boolean <optional>
false If true, each change of args.urlProvider triggers a reload of the model
mimeType string <optional>
auto Mimetype of the expected data. If "auto" or none is given it is derived from the url
saveOptions SimpleModelParamSaveOptions <optional>
An argument map for save options SimpleModelParamSaveOptions


Name Type Argument Default Description
saveChain chainDef <optional>
The definition of the transformation chain
saveParameters Object <optional>
An object, where each property holds a DataProvider, used as a transformation parameters.
reload boolean <optional>
false Useful especially for models of type SimpleModel for refreshing from server after save
onSuccess function <optional>
Callback after saving (and optionally reloading) was successfully finished
onFailure function <optional>
Callback on failure, is called if error occurs
onWrsValidationFailure function <optional>
Callback on serverside validate failure, if omitted the onFailure is used in case of validation failures
urlProvider bcdui.core.DataProvider <optional>
dataProvider holding the request url (by default taken from the args.url).


Name Type Argument Description
id string <optional>
Globally unique id for use in declarative contexts, ignored if is not set
data string | Object | DomDocument An XML string, which is parsed, a DOM document

or a parameter map


Translates and formats if needed the given message id. The function should be used only if bcduiI18Model ready. If the catalog is not initialized up to this moment (the catalog initialization is asychronous) then NULL is returned in production and an error is thrown in debug mode. /**
Name Type Argument Description
msgid string <optional>
the message id

targetHtmlRefstring HtmlElement jQuery

Any reference to an existing HTML element: Can be a DOM element, a jQuery object, a css selector or a plain id of an element. The referenced element *must* be attached to html document unless the reference itself is a DOM element.
If jQuery returns a list with multiple matches, the first member is used. These are all valid examples:
document.getElementById("myId").firstChild      // Any plain DOM element
jQuery('#myElementId') • jQuery('ul li:first')  // A jQuery list, first one is used
'ul li:first'                                   // A css selector, first match is used
'myElementId'                                   // Treated as an element id if its just letters (id without #)


Provide an XPath, which can be used to append nodes to. In most cases the path will be created if it does not exist, reusing as much as possible. See bcdui.core.createElementWithPrototype Start the XPath with $dataProviderId, make sure that you create this bcdui.core.DataProvider with an explicit id. Default for this is $guiStatus, which is always auto-registered. Be aware that the model's data changes, if it is a ModelWrapper, the next execute() would of course overwrite the change.
You can also build complex XPaths and refer to further models via '$dataProviderId' in predicates.
/guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:MyNode                                               // Default is $guiStatus
$modelId/f:Filter/f:Filters[$guiStatus/guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:MyNodes/@attr] // A string with a more complex XPath, using multiple models


Provide an XPath, which can be used to use nodes from, can point to an attribute or a full subtree.
Note: must not contain model references.
/guiStatus:Status/guiStatus:MyNode                                     // A string with a simple XPath